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Individual Report

Elias Nagel

The ancestors of Elias Nagel * 22. 07. 1800 in Neuhausen/Pforzheim can be traced back to Justus Nagel * before 1669.

The oldest known ancestor of Elias Nagel is Justus Nagel.

According to the church register of Neuhausen/Enz, Justus (Jodocy?) Nagell ex Bavaria married Maria Bogner from Neuhausen on 03 Sep 1689.
There are no earlier entries, especially no birth entry, as he was obviously born elsewhere (see above).
The couple had several children; I have only copied the dates of Peter and Joseph in the Pforzheim district archive from the Neuhausen/Enz church register.


The ancestors of Elias Nagel on his father's side

According to the church register of Neuhausen/Enz, Peter Philipp Nagel was born on June 29, 1694. His parents are Justus Nagel and Maria (no surname given).

According to the church register of Neuhausen/Enz, Joseph Nagel, parents Philipp Nagel and Magdalena (no surname given) was born on 19. 03. 1731.
This also results from the collection at the Mormons "Germany, Baden, Archdiocese of Freiburg, Catholic Church Records, 1678-1930"
Joseph Nagell baptism March 19, 1731, Neuhausen, Pforzheim, Baden, Germany
Parents Philipp Nagell, Magdalena.

According to the church register entry for Neuhausen, Caspar Nagel was born on January 14, 1770; parents Joseph Nagel and Euphorosina Roth.
Marriage entry in the same book: 1794 (May? exact date not legible) with Anna Maria Morlock, daughter of Anton Morlock and Anna Maria née Nagel.

Elias Nagel was born on 22. 07. 1800 in Neuhausen/Pforzheim, parents Caspar Nagel and Anna Maria Morlock.

The ancestors of Elias Nagel on his mother's side

According to the church register of Neuhausen/Enz, Joseph Nagel was born on January 24, 1696. His parents are Justus Nagel and Maria (no surname given).

According to the same source, Joseph Nagel (father Justus Nagel) married Maria Catharina Morlock (foster daughter of Johann Morlock) on June 9, 1739

He was previously married to Marta Elenora Krin? oo Nov. 3, 1716.

According to the church register of Neuhausen, Anna Maria Nagel was born on February 13, 1742 as the daughter of Joseph Nagel and Catharina Morlock.

According to the church register of Neuhausen/Ens Anna Maria Morlock was born on Sept. 17, 1775, her parents: Anton Morlok and Anna Maria Nagel

Anna Maria Morlock's spouse was Caspar Nagel (marriage entry in the same book: 1794 (May? exact date not legible) with Anna Maria Morlock, daughter of Anton Morlock and Anna Maria née Nagel.

His life

Elias Nagel married Ursula SCHROECK * 1800- (parents: Josef SCHROECK 1764- & Barbara VOLK 1770- ) on November 14, 1822 in Neuhausen; their children born in Neuhausen: Rochus, Blandina, Anna Maria, Josef.

In 1829 the family emigrated to Russia. The children Alexander Johann and Barbara were born there. The exact route is not known, either overland or by ship across the Danube. However, the time of travel can be narrowed down to July/August 1829 on the basis of the dates in the following documents.

1. in the municipal archives of Neuhausen there are references to the family's departure family:

  1. Land register B 10 (1822-1834) page 165 in the Neuhausen municipal archive
  2. Elias Nagel came to Baden/Kuchurgan with his family (location: Welfare Committee for Foreign Settlers in Southern Russia Annotated Findbuch, files for the years 1799-1876)
    Elias Nagel's settlement in Baden/Odessa was probably influenced by the fact that his cousin Klemens Volk was already living there. Both then came to Krasna in 1843.
For transcript and translation see: On the enrollment of foreign citizens in Odessa Government.

In 1843 Elias and his family moved on to Krasna in Bessarabia, as the following documents show. Elias Nagel was married twice more after Ursula SCHROECK:

Eduard Volk
Neuwied, April 2024
Eduard's ancestor is Klemens VOLK

Further individual ancestor lists and reports

The text was translated by Otto Riehl using the translation tool from DeepL, Cologne, Germany .

This report and all informations therein contained
may not be used or transmitted elsewhere without prior approval of the authors
Ted J. Becker & Otto Riehl, Kirchlinteln

