The name Baldus developed over time: Balthasar, Balthas, Baltes, Baldes, Baltus, Balthes, Baldus.
The namesake progenitor is the farmer Balthas zu Ober-Bellingen, named in the Salbuch of the County of Diez in 1525 and in the Türkensteuerregister in 1545.
His sons Balthes Christian, Peter and Christ in the treasury registers of 1566 and 1570 form the link to the church register of Rotzenhahn (today Rotenhain in the Westerwald) since 1654. The treaty of 1609 between Count Wilhelm von Sayn and Count Georg von Nassau made them Nassau-Oranian subjects.
Balthas built the beautiful half-timbered house Baldus in Bellingen in 1637. It is a listed building.
Here is the entrance area. The house is still owned by Baldus descendants today.
Matheis Baldus from Büdingen/Amt Marienberg emigrated to South Prussia in 1799.
Signature: HHStAW, 172, 2677 Titel: Verzeichnisse von Personen und Haushaltungen, welche als Kolonisten...Seite 6 # 62 Theis Baldus, Büdingen 40 years old, farmer and carpenter, wife and three children.
According to this he must have been born around 1755/59. As far as can be seen, there was only this one according to the church register: Mathias Baldus born on 07. 02. 1754 (p. 106) Parents Johann Christian Baldus and Anna Maria, Büdingen; (father Johann Christian Baldus was born on 05. 11. 1728 p. 18 (parents Johann Merten/Martin Baltes * 1690; oo with Anna Maria Heidrich * around 1690)
Johannes Mathias Baldus married Elisabeth Schneider in Büdingen on 01. 07. 1777. She was born on 10. 11. 1758 in Büdingen; parents Henrich Schneider and Eva. The couple probably had five children, but some seem to have died early, as only three children were with them when they emigrated. It could have been these: they all appear in Orzechowo.
Johann Baldus * 1801 - probably somewhat earlier - who appears in Krasna, was probably born on the journey to South Prussia.
An inheritance from Büdingen was paid to him and his sister Anna Gertrude in Krasna in 1831 (see this receipt)
Eduard Volk
Neuwied, Mai 2024
Eduard's ancestor is Klemens VOLK