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Individual Report


Anselmo Wagner was born in Bosoha-Emmental, Bessarabia-Romania in 1877, to Stanislaw Wagner and Aurora Plotzki, and Marta Nagel Wagner was born in 1900, also in Bosoha-Emmental, to Jakob Nagel and Theresia Ganski. They were Romanian immigrants who came to Brazil, living temporarily in São Paulo and later settling in Colônia Porto Novo (Itapiranga-SC), in Linha Soledade, along with other Bessarabian-Romanian families. The couple came to Brazil from Romania with three sons: Zaheus, Melchior and Stanislaw. Four more sons were born in Brazil: Jacó, José, Aloísio and Adolfo. His passport was registered in Bucharest on January 2, 1926, and he landed in the port of Santos on June 17, 1926.

Zacheus married Hildegard Hansen. Children: Almiro, Selvino, João, Darci, Leoni, Lúcia, Lucinda, Liane, Ari, Flávio and Eloi.

Stanislaw, married Ernita Vogt. Children: Anselmo, Dulce, Celse, João, Laurindo, Otávio, Isidoro, Clóvis, Marino, Roque, Cecília and Lizete.

Melchior married Adelina Müller; they had no children.

Jacob married Ana Rech. Children: Antônio, Dionísio, Tarcísio, Anastácia, Inácio, Marta and Atalício.

José, married Adélia Vogt. Children: Roque, João, Isidoro, Cristiano, Cleonor, Salete, Madalena and Dulce.

Aloísio married Elma Müller. Children: Canísio, Clara, Marlene, Elma. Elma died giving birth to their last child and later Aloísio married Clarice Weber, they had two children Solange (adopted) and Fábio.

Adolfo married Erna Bamberg. Children: Cleide, Clóvis, Cléria and Claci.

Mateus, who died as a baby.

Lucas, who died as a baby

Prepared by: Douglas Franzen

Collaboration: Marino Mueller, Canísio Wagner and Almiro Wagner.

Source: 18.03.2023
Associação dos Romenos Bessarabianos do Extremo Oeste de Santa Catarina

Further individual ancestor lists and reports

The text was translated by Otto Riehl using the translation tool from DeepL, Cologne, Germany .

This report and all informations therein contained
may not be used or transmitted elsewhere without prior approval of the authors
Ted J. Becker & Otto Riehl, Kirchlinteln

